Friday, April 29, 2016


CLICK HERE to listen as #2 Atlee battles #1 Lee-Davis in #TheRematch of the top two teams in RVA softball ONLY on RVA Sports Network, 6:45pm airtime!

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Here are the list of postponements, cancellations and game time changes we've received for Thursday:

George Wythe at L.C. Bird, ppd to Monday, May 16th
Thomas Dale at Matoaca, PPD to Wednesday, May 18th
Louisa at Orange, ppd, no make-up date yet

George Wythe at L.C. Bird, ppd to Monday, May 16th
Thomas Dale at Matoaca, ppd to Wednesday, May 18th

#1 Hanover at Patrick Henry, ppd, no make-up date yet
#3 Douglas Freeman at Deep Run, Varsity moved up to 6pm, JV at 7:30

#2 Deep Run at #3 Douglas Freeman, Varsity moved up to 6pm, JV at 7:30

Atlee at Glen Allen, ppd to Friday, April 29th
Cosby at Manchester, ppd to Monday, May 2nd
Midlothian at Monacan, cancelled
Matoaca at Thomas Dale, ppd to Wednesday, May 4th
Maggie Walker GS at J.R. Tucker, cancelled
Deep Run at John Marshall, cancelled
Dinwiddie at Meadowbrook, cancelled
Monticello at Powhatan, ppd to Friday, April 29th

Glen Allen at Atlee, ppd to Friday, April 29th
Manchester at Cosby, ppd to Monday, May 2nd
Thomas Dale at Matoaca, ppd to Wednesday, May 4th
J.R. Tucker at Maggie Walker GS, cancelled
John Marshall at Deep Run, cancelled
Varina at Armstrong, ppd to Thursday, May 5th
Goochland at Buckingham, ppd to Thursday, May 5th

Thomas Dale at Matoaca, ppd to Friday, May 13th

Matoaca at Thomas Dale, ppd to Friday, May 13th

Sunday, April 24, 2016

New Top 10/Super 6 Spring Sports Polls!

Here are the latest RVA Sports Network Top 10 Baseball and Softball polls, and the latest Super 6 Boys and Girls Lacrosse and Soccer polls for games ending April 23, 2016. Last week's ranking and current team records are found in parentheses.


1) Hanover (11-1, was #1)
2) Glen Allen (9-1, was #2)
3) Prince George (12-0, was #4)
4) Mills Godwin (8-3, was #3)
5) Colonial Heights (9-2, was #5)
6) James River (9-4, was #6)
7) Atlee (11-4, was #7)
8) Lee-Davis (6-4, was #10)
9) Trinity Episcopal (10-5, was #9)
10) Manchester (8-3, NEW)

Dropping Out: Cosby


1) Lee-Davis (9-0, was #1)
2) Atlee (11-1, was #2)
3) Clover Hill (10-1, was #3)
4) Prince George (9-1, was #4)
5) Hanover (9-1, was #5)
6) Dinwiddie (7-2, was #6)
7) Glen Allen (7-3, was #7)
8) Manchester (7-4, was #8)
9) Powhatan (9-1, NEW)
10) Trinity Episcopal (10-3, NEW)

Dropping Out: Thomas Dale, Patrick Henry



1) Cosby (7-0-2, was #1)
2) Deep Run (4-1-1, was #2)
3) Mills Godwin (5-1-2, was #3)
4) James River (6-2, was #4)
5) Douglas Freeman (7-1, was #5)
6) Atlee (7-1-1, NEW)

Dropping Out: Patrick Henry


1) Mills Godwin (8-0, was #1)
2) Clover Hill (6-0-1, was #2)
3) Deep Run (6-1, was #3)
4) St. Catherine's (9-0-1, was #4)
5) Monacan (6-0-3, was #5)
6) Trinity Episcopal (10-1-2, NEW)

Dropping Out: Atlee


1) Hanover (7-0, was #1)
2) James River (8-1, was #2)
3) Douglas Freeman (7-2, was #3)
4) Midlothian (7-1, was #4)
5) Atlee (5-2, was #5)
6) Mills Godwin (5-3, NEW)

Dropping Out: Thomas Dale


1) Midlothian (7-0, was #1)
2) Deep Run (9-1, was #2)
3) Douglas Freeman (6-1, was #3)
4) Atlee (5-3, was #5)
5) James River (5-3, was #6)
6) Mills Godwin (5-2, was #4)

Friday, April 22, 2016

VHSL News: Several Changes On Docket at May Executive Committee

The Virginia High School League (VHSL) has released its schedule for their Executive Committee meeting set for May 5th at their offices in Charlottesville. Items listed below in italics are quoted from the Executive Committee Agenda.

Among the highlights on issues on the docket:


1) There could be changes to State Championship sites beginning this December. The current list of proposed state final sites note two changes from the past several years.

1A--2A: Salem Stadium, Salem
3A--4A: Zable Stadium, The College of William & Mary, Williamsburg
5A--6A: Armstrong Stadium, Hampton University

In past years, 1A and 2A games have been at Salem Stadium, but 3A and 4A game were at Liberty University, 5A and 6A games at the University of Virginia. The new sites must be approved at the May 5th meeting.

2) Expansion of game suspensions due to fighting and other on-field actions (NOTE: The VHSL Staff has recommended the following proposal be withdrawn. The proposal must receive a two-thirds majority vote of the committee to pass):

27‐11‐6 Ejection of Player and/or Coach – Players and coaches who are ejected from a contest, scrimmage, jamboree or benefit game for unsportsmanlike conduct are ineligible for the team’s next scheduled contest must be reported to the VHSL office on the form provided on the VHSL website.  For engaging in fighting, (including throwing punches as an instigator, in retaliation, or intentionally kicking or stomping an opponent) biting, aggressive physical contact shall result in a three‐game suspension (a player shall be ineligible for the team’s next two three scheduled contests) and a coach for a minimum of the team’s next two three scheduled contests.  Profanity directed at a game official will result in a two‐game suspension. Student/athletes guilty of multiple instances of fighting or profanity directed at a game official will be suspended from all VHSL activities for the remainder of the school year.  Student/athletes who leave   the bench area and become actively involved in an altercation will result in a two‐game suspension. Coaches ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct….          

30‐5‐1 SPECIFIC PENALTIES   (14) Effective beginning with the 2013 Fall Season, a player or coach who is ejected    for fighting (including throwing punches as an instigator, in retaliation, or intentionally kicking or stomping an opponent), biting, aggressive physical contact shall result in a three‐game suspension.  For using/directing or uses/directs profanity toward a contest official, a student athlete shall be ineligible for the teams" next two contests.  Student/athletes guilty of second instances of fighting or profanity directed      at a game official will be suspended from all VHSL activities for the remainder of the school year. Student/athletes who leave the bench area and become actively involved in an altercation will result in a two‐game suspension. The first time a player is ejected for fighting, he/she must show proof of completion      of the NFHS online “Sportsmanship” Course. The player will be ineligible to participate in any contest until      the proof of completion is received. A subsequent ejection of any player from the same team for any of the      noted offenses listed above will result in the need to show proof of their completion of the NFHS online “Teaching and Modeling Behavior Course.”  

Rationale:  Serious incidents surrounding VHSL events continue to rise. Expanding the penalties is the first step in an attempt to send an appropriate message and solicit an appropriate response.

3) A change to the current Football Rating Scale: This change would eliminate receiving one bonus point per classification for any out of district games, making it two bonus points per classification no matter the opponent, district or out of district (VHSL opponents only). Staff currently recommends approval.


A "Thirty-Point Rule" will be voted upon. Much like the "running clock" in football games where the lead reaches 35 points or more, the rule provides that if, at any time during the fourth quarter of a regular season game, one team is ahead by 30 or more points, the clock will continue to run except during timeouts, injury, or technical fouls. The rule can be expanded to the entire second half only by mutual agreement of both coaches at a particular game. If, at any time, the lead goes under 30 points, regular clock regulations return to effect.

An exception is allowed that, prior to the start of the season, a District Council may elect not to use the rule for regular season and district tournament games. Staff has recommended approving this new rule.


The 5A North Region has proposed, at the 5A Group Board meeting, to have its own 5A State Gymnastics Championship, separate from Group 6A, since they meet requirements, including a 32-team threshold. Tuscarora High School has offered to host a 5A State Meet if finding a site for 2017 is an issue. Staff recommendation is pending on this issue.

Here is the list of proposed State Championship sites, some sports just for 2016-17, others over the next two or three years. All sites must be approved by Executive Committee. Locations will hold 1A-6A finals unless otherwise noted:

Competition Cheer: Siegel Center (2016 and 2017)

Cross Country: Great Meadow Park (2016 and 2017)

Field Hockey: National Training Center, Virginia Beach (2016 and 2017)
                        Stafford Area Schools to host (2018)


Golf (2016-17 only):
1A-2A: Heritage Oaks, Harrisonburg
3A-4A: Williamsburg National, Williamsburg
5A-6A: Magnolia Green, Chesterfield
Girls Open: International Country Club, Fairfax

Volleyball: Siegel Center, VCU (2016 and 2017)

Basketball: (NOTE: Current proposal moves state semifinals from central site, such as the Siegel Center last March, to "supersites", leaving only state championship games at VCU.

Supersites for Quarterfinals AND Semifinals (2017 and 2018):
Ted Constant Convocation Center, Old Dominion University, Norfolk
Siegel Center, VCU, Richmond
Convocation Center, James Madison University, Harrisonburg
Salem Civic Center, Salem
Virginia High School, Bristol (2017 only)
UVA-Wise, Wise (2018 only)

Championships: Siegel Center, VCU (2017 and 2018)


Indoor Track:
2A-4A: Liberty University (2017 only)
5A-6A: Boo Williams Sportsplex, Hampton (2017 and 2018)

2A: Christiansburg Aquatic Center (2017 only)
3A-4A: Collegiate School Aquatic Center, Chesterfield (2017 only)
5A-6A: George Mason University, Fairfax (2017 only)

1A-3A: Salem Civic Center, Salem (2017 and 2018)
4A-6A: Norfolk Scope (2017 and 2018)

Tennis (all for 2017 and 2018):
1A: Radford University
2A: Virginia Tech
3A-4A: Salem
5A: Huntington Park, Newport News
6A: George Mason University, Fairfax

Outdoor Track (all for 2017 and 2018)
1A-2A: Harrisonburg High School, Harrisonburg
3A-4A: Sports Backers Stadium, Richmond
5A-6A: Hampton University, Hampton

Spring Jubilee (Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Lacrosse for 2017 and 2018):
1A-2A: Radford University
3A-4A: Salem
5A-6A: Undetermined site in Northern Virginia (6A North school(s) to host)

NOTE: To see entire Executive Committee schedule and docket, CLICK HERE.


Weather is affecting high school schedules across the Central Region on this Friday. The latest changes are below.

Weather has also affected today's schedule at Richmond International Raceway for practice and qualifying. Check @RIRInsider on Twitter for updated information, and we'll send it out, too, at @TheRVASportsNet.

#10 Lee-Davis at #1 Hanover, postponed to Tuesday, May 17th
#2 Glen Allen at Deep Run, postponed to Wednesday, May 4th
Henrico at #5 Colonial Heights, postponed to Monday, April 25th
#9 Trinity Episcopal at Manchester, postponed to Monday, April 25th
Varina at Highland Springs, postponed (no make-up date)

#1 Lee-Davis at #5 Hanover, postponed to Tuesday, May 17th
#7 Glen Allen at Deep Run, postponed to Monday, May 2nd
Varina at Highland Springs, postponed (no make-up date)
Spotsylvania at Hopewell, postponed to Monday, May 9th

Deep Run at Glen Allen, postponed to Wednesday, May 4th

Atlee at #6 Patrick Henry, moved up to a 6pm start tonight
Glen Allen at #2 Deep Run, postponed to Wednesday, May 4th
Lee-Davis at Hanover, postponed to Tuesday, May 17th
Varina at Highland Springs, postponed (no make-up date)

Patrick Henry at #6 Atlee, moved up to a 6pm start tonight
#3 Deep Run at Glen Allen, postponed to Wednesday, May 4th
Lee-Davis at Hanover, postponed to Tuesday, May 17th
Cosby at Manchester, cancelled
Varina at Highland Springs, postponed (no make-up date)

Midlothian at James River, postponed to Wednesday, May 4th

GIRLS TENNIS:Appomattox Reg. GS at Prince George, postponed (no make-up date)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Top 10 Baseball/Softball, Debut Super 6 Soccer/Lacrosse Polls!

Here are the latest RVA Sports Network Top 10 Baseball and Softball Polls, plus the debut of our Super 6 Polls in Boys and Girls Soccer and Lacrosse, based on results on games ending April 16, 2016. For the Top 10 Polls, last week's ranking is found in parentheses.


1) Hanover (1)
2) Glen Allen (2)
3) Mills Godwin (3)
4) Prince George (4)
5) Colonial Heights (5)
6) James River (10)
7) Atlee (6)
8) Cosby (7)
9) Trinity Episcopal (9)
10) Lee-Davis (8)


1) Lee-Davis (1)
2) Atlee (2)
3) Clover Hill (5)
4) Prince George (3)
5) Hanover (4)
6) Dinwiddie (10)
7) Glen Allen (6)
8) Thomas Dale (NEW)
9) Patrick Henry (7)
10) Manchester (9)

Dropping Out: Mills Godwin (8)



1) Cosby
2) Deep Run
3) Mills Godwin
4) James River
5) Douglas Freeman
6) Patrick Henry


1) Mills Godwin
2) Clover Hill
3) Deep Run
4) St. Catherine's
5) Monacan
6) Atlee


1) Hanover
2) James River
3) Douglas Freeman
4) Midlothian
5) Atlee
6) Thomas Dale


1) Midlothian
2) Deep Run
3) Douglas Freeman
4) Mills Godwin
5) Atlee
6) James River

Thursday, April 14, 2016

LISTEN LIVE: Softball Week: #5 Clover Hill at #6 Glen Allen

CLICK HERE to listen live at 6pm to Top 10 Softball action as #5 Clover Hill battles #6 Glen Allen as "Softball Week" continues only on RVA Sports Network!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Due to the rain, we have several schedule changes of note:

Midlothian at Manchester, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm
Monacan at L.C. Bird, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm
Thomas Dale at #4 Prince George, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 6pm
#3 Mills Godwin at #8 Lee-Davis, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 6pm
#1 Hanover at Highland Springs, ppd

Midlothian at Manchester, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm
Monacan at L.C. Bird, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm
Thomas Dale at #3 Prince George, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 6pm
#8 Mills Godwin at #1 Lee-Davis, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 6pm
#4 Hanover at Highland Springs, ppd

Monacan at Manchester, cancelled
Mills Godwin at Midlothian, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 3:30pm
Meadowbrook at Colonial Heights, cancelled
Hopewell vs. Petersburg at Lee Park, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm
Dinwiddie at Matoaca, ppd
Prince George at Thomas Dale, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm

Essex at Clover Hill, cancelled
Midlothian at Mills Godwin, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm
Matoaca at Dinwiddie, ppd
Thomas Dale at Prince George, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 4:30pm

Monacan vs. L.C. Bird moved to River City SportsPlex, 7pm
Hanover at Highland Springs, ppd
Thomas Dale at Prince George, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 7:30pm
Matoaca at Dinwiddie, ppd

L.C. Bird vs. Monacan moved to River City SportsPlex, 5:30pm
Hanover at Highland Springs, ppd
Prince George at Thomas Dale, ppd to Wednesday 4/13, 7pm

Monday, April 11, 2016

SOFTBALL WEEK BEGINS: Listen Live: Glen Allen at Atlee

The sixth-ranked Glen Allen Jaguars come to Atlee to battle the second-ranked Raiders tonight as "Softball Week" begins on RVA Sports Network, presenting THREE Top 10 games this week!

CLICK HERE to listen live at 6pm to Glen Allen and Atlee!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

NEW RVA Sports Network Top 10 Baseball, Softball Polls

Last week's rankings are in parentheses.....


1) Hanover (1)
2) Glen Allen (3)
3) Mills Godwin (4)
4) Prince George (6)
5) Colonial Heights (7)
6) Atlee (NEW)
7) Cosby (8)
8) Lee-Davis (2)
9) Trinity Episcopal (10)
10) James River (NEW)

Dropping Out: Matoaca (5), Deep Run (9)


1) Lee-Davis (2)
2) Atlee (1)
3) Prince George (4)
4) Hanover (5)
5) Clover Hill (3)
6) Glen Allen (6)
7) Patrick Henry (7)
8) Mills Godwin (8)
9) Manchester (10)
10) Dinwiddie (NEW)

Dropping Out: Deep Run (9)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


With rain expected Thursday, with possible thunderstorms, especially in the morning, some schools are getting in front of the weather, moving their Thursday games up to Wednesday. Those listed below have moved their games up.

Any Thursday games moved to other dates will be reflected below:

Monacan at #1 Hanover, 6pm
Thomas Dale at #7 Colonial Heights, 6pm
Meadowbrook at Petersburg, 5:30pm
Thomas Jefferson at Huguenot, PPD to April 28th
Prince George at Matoaca, PPD to Friday, April 8th, 6pm

Monacan at #5 Hanover, 6pm
Thomas Dale at Colonial Heights, 6pm
Prince George at Matoaca, PPD to Friday, April 8th, 6pm
Thomas Jefferson at Huguenot, PPD to April 28th

GIRLS LACROSSE:Hanover at Patrick Henry, PPD to Tuesday, April 19th

LISTEN LIVE: Baseball Game of The Week: Cosby at James River

CLICK HERE to listen live to exclusive RVA Sports Network coverage of high school baseball as Cosby battles James River in a Conference 3 rivalry matchup! We'll begin at 6pm on your home for live high school sports ALL year long, RVA Sports Network!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Inaugural RVA Sports Network Top 10 Baseball/Softball Polls

Here are the first Top 10 polls for high school baseball and softball as premiered Saturday night on the newest "Central Region NOW!" Podcast:


1) Hanover
2) Lee-Davis
3) Glen Allen
4) Mills Godwin
5) Matoaca
6) Prince George
7) Colonial Heights
8) Cosby
9) Deep Run
10) Trinity Episcopal


1) Atlee
2) Lee-Davis
3) Clover Hill
4) Prince George
5) Hanover
6) Glen Allen
7) Patrick Henry
8) Mills Godwin
9) Deep Run
10) Manchester