Sunday, December 3, 2017

Quick Message From Rob Witham

Hi everyone!

We're going to be a day late on our latest "Central Region Now!" podcast and the next Top 10 basketball polls, and we apologize for that as we want to stay on schedule as much as possible.

The past four weeks have been very trying here as my wife and I dealt with nursing our daughter, at home and from college, with a nasty bout of pneumonia. This past week, my wife was, too, diagnosed with pneumonia. I've been bathing in hand sanitizer.

As some of you know, I am a heart attack survivor of four and a half years now, and I faithfully took both the new pneumonia vaccine late in 2015 and the older vaccine back in January. We're trusting them, and the prayers of wonderful people, to keep me from being attacked by the germs.

Thus, Sunday afternoon, after a meeting, was spent at the doctor with my daughter, and taking care of my wife.

So, thanks for your patience, understanding these are the issues a family-owned firm deal with, and, if you are so inclined, I appreciate your prayers for all three of us.

We'll talk to you Monday, and there is much to discuss, from football to basketball and much more. :)

Thanks for ALL of your support of what we do. It's an honor to serve you.

Rob Witham  :)


  1. We wish you the best Rob! Prayers to your family!

  2. Pneumonia may be big but my GOD is BIGGER. You guys will be just fine. Praise the lord!
