Tuesday, May 19, 2020

VHSL UPDATE: League Working On Fall Guidelines

The following statement was released Tuesday afternoon by the Virginia High School League office in Charlottesville. While it states that officials are actively working on solutions and multiple solutions with regards to reopening league athletic and academic activities for the fall semester, no decisions have been made, and we shouldn't expect to see any in the very near future.


To ensure all compliance with possible state directives from the Governor, Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the CDC with the reopening of schools for the fall of 2020, the Virginia High School League is developing plans for the reopening of fall athletics and activities by putting the health, safety and well-being of our student-athletes, student-activity participants, coaches, administrators, officials and supporters first. In all instances, reopening will only happen in accordance with the Governor’s directives on when to return to school, when schools can return to practice, and when schools can return to competition.

VHSL staff continues to meet regularly with region superintendents, principals, athletic directors, and the VHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC). VHSL staff will begin meeting with Coach Advisory Committees of fall sports to discuss developing reopening plans. VHSL is drawing input to provide answers to the questions: How and when do VHSL sports and activities return?  The goal is to develop plans for multiple scenarios related to start dates, safety measures for resuming practices, regular season schedules, and state playoffs for fall sports. 

“We continue to fully support our Governor’s directives, work with advisory groups, government agencies, other states, and medical experts to come up with a safe and sound plan to implement sports and activities for the fall.”

In addition, VHSL Executive Director, Dr. Haun serves on the VDOE Return to School Recovery Task Force and VHSL Associate Executive Director, Tom Dolan, and Director of Communications, Mike McCall, along with Dr. Haun, have provided ongoing recommendations to the Return To School Committee for VDOE.

As a member of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), the VHSL works closely with other states in developing guidelines for the reopening of sports, as well as monitoring NCAA reopening guidelines. The VHSL Sports Medicine Advisory Committee will use the National Federation of State High School Association Sports Medicine Advisory Committee Guidance for Opening Up High School Athletics and Activities to create guidelines for Virginia’s schools.

Friday, May 15, 2020

VHSL UPDATE: No Changes Yet To Out Of Season Guidelines

The following statement was released Friday afternoon by the Virginia High School League:


The VHSL has received numerous inquiries from school divisions regarding out of season practice guidelines for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19.

The VHSL will continue to follow all protocols and guidelines issued from the Governor, CDC, and the Virginia Department of Health.  At the present time this means out of season practice and all activities this summer are cancelled until further notice.  The current relaxing of the Governor’s stay at home order applies only to businesses.  Schools remain closed and in-school facility use is off limits.

Once the Governor declares schools can re-open and guidelines are provided for the reopening, the VHSL will work with the Executive Committee to draw up protocols and guidelines for resuming athletic activities.  We ask every member school to support the Governor’s directives and the DOE during this time.

Every decision will be made in compliance with those orders and will continue to be made with the best interest of our student-athletes and the public. Safety will always be our number one priority.