Saturday, July 30, 2022

IN THE RED ZONE PODCAST: VHSL Proposed Class/Region Changes; Public v Private School Football, Transfers

What a jam packed edition of "In The Red Zone", the exclusive podcast of the RVA Sports Network, and the only podcast dedicated to sports in the RVA as host Rob Witham goes over, and explains, the proposed Virginia High School League changes to schools' classifications and region locales released Saturday which would take effect in the Fall of 2023! Also, we discuss the sticky issue of high school transfers, public school versus private school football games, the pros and cons, AND we announce our Week 2 destination for High School Football Friday Night on September 2nd!

Click play on the player above on desktop versions, or CLICK HERE on your smartphone! Remember that In The Red Zone is also available on these platforms:

--Google Podcasts
--Apple Podcasts
--Amazon Podcasts

Saturday, July 23, 2022

IN THE RED ZONE: Top 10 Teams of Year; Cameren Fleming Interview, Football Broadcast Announcement

The return of the "In The Red Zone" podcast is jam packed! Don't miss the return of the only podcast covering high school sports in the RVA since 2014! Host Rob Witham has:

--Top 10 Teams of 2021-22 high school season

--Cameren Fleming College Decision Interview (Trinity Episcopal)

--EXCLUSIVE Week 1 High School Football Broadcast Announcement for August 25 and 26

Click on the player above to listen. "In The Red Zone" will be on Saturdays for the first few weeks, then head to our regular home of Sundays beginning August 28!