Friday, June 3, 2016

RVA Sports Network Announces Live Broadcast Expansion for 2016-17

RVA Sports Network, the exclusive home of live high school sports broadcasts online all year long covering nine different sports, is today announcing a major expansion of their broadcast schedule effective with the 2016-17 school year, whose fall season begins on August 22.

Expansion plans call for up to 75 live game broadcasts, with nearly ninety percent of them exclusively on RVASN on our YouTube Channel. Most weeks, a Game of The Week will be presented on Tuesdays and Fridays, including girls/boys doubleheaders for basketball.

"We have been able to greatly expand our technological capacity when it comes to delivering live broadcasts online," said Rob Witham, Director of Social Media and Broadcast Operations, and play-by-play voice for RVASN. "This opportunity will allow us to present live coverage of more schools, more teams and more sports, giving well-deserved exposure to student-athletes throughout the Richmond Metropolitan area."

The 2016-17 schedule is being built now, and game announcements will begin in July.

In 2015-16, RVA Sports Network presented nearly 40 live events, including the Football Game of The Week in conjunction with WHAN Radio for the 14th consecutive year, four VHSL state football playoff games, the Henrico Holiday Hoops Boys Basketball Classic, the Girls Basketball Classic, and two VHSL State Basketball Championship games, and is the home to the original and longest-running podcast in Richmond dedicated to high school sports, "Central Region NOW!", which will return for a third season in 2016-17.

"This expansion, coupled with the continued incredible support by fans of our social media platforms, from Twitter and Facebook to our YouTube Channel and Instagram, will help RVA Sports Network continue to uniquely lead the way in high school sports coverage in Richmond," Witham said. "We are unbelievably grateful for everyone who listens to our broadcasts and podcasts, follows us on any of our four Twitter feeds, as well as other verticals. We are nothing without the fans."

RVASN's Twitter presence began with @hanoversports in May, 2012, expanded hyper-local social media coverage with @henricosports and @cfieldsports in May and August, 2013 respectively, and added @TheRVASportsNet to cover the City of Richmond, the Tri-Cities area, and surrounding counties in October, 2014.

RVA Sports Network plans to again join forces with WHAN Radio for their 15th season of "Game of The Week" High School Football, simulcasted on 102.9 FM, 1430 AM, and online on RVASN Friday nights beginning September 2nd, and there will be special online only football broadcasts beginning August 26th.

RVA Sports Network is a division of HCS Media, LLC, a family-owned company based in Glen Allen. To subscribe to our YouTube Channel in order to receive alerts when live sports broadcasts go on the air, visit and click subscribe.

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