Thursday, December 8, 2016

BASEBALL: New Pitch Count Rules Passed By VHSL

Following the mandate set forth a few months back by the National Federation of State High School Associations, the Virginia High School League (VHSL) passed emergency legislation at its Executive Committee meeting Wednesday to set new pitch count limits for high school baseball pitchers. Previously, the rules were based on number of innings pitched. That has now been changed to an actual pitch count.

Here is the new ruling as posted on the VHSL Handbook as of Wednesday:

56-4-2: Pitching Regulations: For the purposes of this rule, the pitch count is based on pitches thrown to the batters during their time at bat. Warm-up pitches allowed before each inning or warm-up pitches allowed by the umpire in case of injury or game delay do not count. All NFHS substitution and pitching rules must be followed.

A dead ball pitch will not be considered as a pitch for the purposes of pitch count (e.g., a pitch thrown when time is called, a balk or illegal pitch, etc.)

A pitcher at the Varsity or Sub-Varsity level who reaches the maximum pitch count limitation allowed per day during an inning will be afforded the opportunity to finish pitching to the current batter at bat.

The following provisions apply to regular season as well as postseason play:

Specific rest periods are in place when a pitcher reaches a high threshold of pitches delivered in a day.

MAXIMUM PITCHES ALLOWED PER DAY: 110 (Varsity and Sub-Varsity)

The rest periods required during regular season and postseason tournament play are listed below:

1) If a pitcher throws 101 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
2) If a pitcher throws 76-100 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
3) If a pitcher throws 51-75 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
4) If a pitcher throws 26-50 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.
5) If a pitcher throws 1-25 pitches in a day, no calendar day or rest is required before pitching again.

No pitcher may throw more than 51 pitches over two consecutive days. If a pitcher throws 51 pitches over two consecutive days, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.

A "calendar day" refers to a time period beginning at midnight on one calendar day and ending at 11:59pm on that same day. A calendar day of rest begins with the day following the first day a pitch is thrown.

A "calendar day" means that if a pitcher throws 76 pitches on Tuesday, that player may not pitch again until Saturday. It a pitcher throws 25 pitches on Tuesday, that pitcher may pitch again on the next day, which is Wednesday. The starting time of the game does not matter in the calculation of when a pitcher is eligible to pitch again.

Schools shall document each player's pitch count using the Game Changer Application for tracking purposes. The home scorebook and pitch count accounting is official but it is recommended that opposing teams compare as the game progresses for accuracy. Umpires will not be a part of the process.

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