Monday, December 12, 2016

HOLIDAY TOURNAMENT CENTRAL: Your Guide To Basketball Tournaments

There are tournaments galore across the Central Virginia over Winter Break, and The RVA Sports Network dedicates this position to all the schedules and scores to keep you advised of all the action wherever you may be over the holidays!

NOTE: All live RVA Sports Network broadcasts during our 2016 "Holiday Feast Of Hoops" are listed in bold below! We will broadcast from the Times-Dispatch Invitational Tournament, Henrico Holiday Hoops, and The Southerner Classic at Lee-Davis High School!




First Round (Friday December 16 at host sites)
Game 1: John Marshall 72, Highland Springs 58
Game 2: Varina 59, St. Christopher's 56
Game 3: Benedictine 92, Hopewell 91 (3 OT)
Game 4: Trinity Episcopal 79, Hanover 57

Semifinals (Saturday December 17 at Clover Hill HS)
Game 5: Highland Springs 71, St. Christopher's 62
Game 6: Hanover 71, Hopewell 60
Game 7: Varina 56, John Marshall 47
Game 8: Trinity Episcopal 68, Benedictine 66

Championship Round (Monday December 19 at Richmond Coliseum)
7th Place Game, St. Christopher's 56, Hopewell 47
5th Place Game, Highland Springs 75, Hanover 59
3rd Place Game, John Marshall 62, Benedictine 49
Championship, Trinity Episcopal 79, Varina 51


First Round (Friday December 16 at host sites)
Game 1: St. Catherine's 72, Midlothian 57
Game 2: Highland Springs 73, Deep Run 24
Game 3: Hopewell 50, Cosby 34
Game 4: Trinity Episcopal 51, Huguenot 42

Semifinals (Saturday December 17 at Clover Hill HS):
Game 5: Midlothian 54, Deep Run 51
Game 6: Cosby 84, Huguenot 57
Game 7: Highland Springs 84, St. Catherine's 53
Game 8: Trinity Episcopal 54, Hopewell 41

Championship Round (Monday December 19 at Richmond Coliseum)
7th Place Game: Deep Run 47, Huguenot 44
5th Place Game, Cosby 63, Midlothian 44
3rd Place Game, St. Catherine's 52, Hopewell 42
Championship, Highland Springs 79, Trinity Episcopal 59


First Round (Monday December 19):
Game 1: Glen Allen 77, Clover Hill 42
Game 2: J.R. Tucker 63, Atlee 52
Game 3: Hermitage 67, Thomas Jefferson 38
Game 4: Varina 58, Collegiate 46

Semifinals (Tuesday December 20):
Game 5: Clover Hill vs Atlee, 3pm
Game 6: Thomas Jefferson vs. Collegiate, 4:30pm
Game 7: Glen Allen vs J.R. Tucker, 6pm
Game 8: Hermitage vs. Varina, 7:30pm

Championship (Wednesday December 21):
7th Place Game, 3pm
5th Place Game, 4:30pm
3rd Place Game, 6pm
Championship Game, 7:30pm

JAGUAR JAMBOREE (Boys Basketball--December 19-21, Glen Allen HS)

First Round (Monday December 19):
Game 1: Collegiate 62, Atlee 42
Game 2: Hermitage d. Midlothian
Game 3: Clover Hill 77, Thomas Jefferson 67
Game 4: Glen Allen 72, Powhatan 53

Semifinals (Tuesday December 20):
Game 5: Atlee vs. Midlothian, 3pm
Game 6: Thomas Jefferson vs. Powhatan, 4:30pm
Game 7: Collegiate vs. Hermitage, 6pm
Game 8: Clover Hill vs. Glen Allen, 7:30pm

Championship (Wednesday December 21):
7th Place Game, 3pm
5th Place Game, 4:30pm
3rd Place Game, 6pm
Championship Game, 7:30pm


Semifinals (Tuesday December 20)
Hanover vs. Powhatan, 6:30pm
Caroline vs. King William, 8pm

Finals (Wednesday December 21)
Consolation Game, 6:30pm
Championship, 8pm

L.C. BIRD HOLIDAY HOOPS (December 26-27, L.C. Bird HS)

Monday Games:
Girls: Granby vs. Highland Springs, 3pm
Boys: Salem vs. Highland Springs, 4:30pm
Girls: Freedom vs. L.C. Bird, 6pm
Boys: Freedom vs. L.C. Bird, 7:30pm

Tuesday Games:
Girls: Freedom vs. Highland Springs, 3pm
Girls: Granby vs. L.C. Bird, 4:30pm
Boys: Freedom vs. Highland Springs, 6pm
Boys: Salem vs. L.C. Bird, 7:30pm

HENRICO HOLIDAY HOOPS (December 27-29, Henrico HS; Games In Bold To Be Aired Live on RVA Sports Network)

First Round (Tuesday December 27):
Game 1: James River vs Matoaca, 2:30pm (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE)
Game 2: J.R. Tucker vs Henrico, 4pm (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE)
Game 3: Collegiate vs Steward, 5:30pm (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE)
Game 4: Trinity Episcopal vs South Lakes, 7:15pm (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN LIVE)

Semifinals (Wednesday December 28):
Game 5: Loser of Game 1 vs Loser of Game 2, 2:30pm
Game 6: Loser of Game 3 vs Loser of Game 4, 4pm
Game 7: Winner of Game 1 vs Winner of Game 2, 5:30pm
Game 8: Winner of Game 3 vs Winner of Game 4, 7:15pm

Championship Round (Thursday December 29):
7th Place Game, 2:30pm
5th Place Game, 4pm
3rd Place Game, 5:30pm
Championship Game, 7:15pm

CLOVER HILL HOLIDAY HOOPS (December 27-29, Clover Hill HS)

Tuesday Games:
Girls: Meadowbrook vs. Amelia Academy, 2:30pm
Boys: Meadowbrook vs. Amelia Academy, 4pm
Girls: Clover Hill vs. Matoaca, 5:30pm
Boys: Clover Hill vs. Kettle Run, 7:15pm

Wednesday Games:
Girls: Meadowbrook vs. Matoaca, 2:30pm
Boys: Meadowbrook vs. Kettle Run, 4pm
Girls: Clover Hill vs. Amelia Academy, 5:30pm
Boys: Clover Hill vs. Amelia Academy, 7:15pm

Thursday Games:
Girls: Amelia Academy vs. Matoaca, 2:30pm
Boys: Amelia Academy vs. Kettle Run, 4pm
Girls: Clover Hill vs. Meadowbrook, 5:30pm
Boys: Clover Hill vs. Meadowbrook, 7:15pm


First Round (Tuesday December 27):
Game 1: Germantown Academy vs. Millwood, 3pm
Game 2: McDonogh vs. Walsingham, 4:45pm
Game 3: Archbishop Carroll vs. St. Maria Goretti, 6:30pm
Game 4: Potomac School vs. Benedictine, 8:30pm

Semifinals (Wednesday December 28):
Game 5: Loser of Game 1 vs. Loser of Game 2, 2pm
Game 6: Loser of Game 3 vs. Loser of Game 4, 3:45pm
Game 7: Winner of Game 1 vs. Winner of Game 2, 5:30pm
Game 8: Winner of Game 3 vs. Winner of Game 4, 7:15pm

Championship (Thursday December 29):
7th Place Game, Time TBA
5th Place Game, Time TBA
3rd Place Game, 4:15pm
Championship, 6pm

TRI-CITY HOLIDAY CLASSIC (December 28-30, Petersburg HS)

First Round (Wednesday December 28):
Game 1: Hopewell vs. Huguenot, 2pm
Game 2: Prince George vs. St. Christopher's, 3:45pm
Game 3: H.D. Woodson vs. Central Va Disciples, 5:30pm
Game 4: Petersburg vs. Life Christian Academy, 7:15pm

Semifinals (Thursday December 29):
Game 5: Loser of Game 1 vs. Loser of Game 2, 2pm
Game 6: Loser of Game 3 vs. Loser of Game 4, 3:45pm
Game 7: Winner of Game 1 vs. Winner of Game 2, 5:30pm
Game 8: Winner of Game 3 vs. Winner of Game 4, 7:15pm

Championship (Friday December 30):
7th Place Game, 2pm
5th Place Game, 3:45pm
3rd Place Game, 5:30pm
Championship Game, 7:15pm


Semifinals (Wednesday December 28):
Girls: Powhatan vs. Douglas Freeman, 1pm
Boys: Patrick Henry vs. Douglas Freeman, 3pm
Girls: Manchester vs. Patrick Henry, 5pm
Boys: Manchester vs. Louisa, 7pm

Championship (Thursday December 29):
Girls Consolation Game, 1pm
Boys Consolation Game, 3pm
Girls Championship Game, 5pm
Boys Championship Game, 7pm

THE SOUTHERNER CLASSIC (December 29-30, Lee-Davis HS; Games In Bold To Be Aired Live on RVA Sports Network)

Semifinals (Thursday December 29):
Girls: Pasquatonk (NC) vs. Caroline, 2:30pm
Boys: Pasquaton (NC) vs. Caroline, 4pm
Girls: West Point vs. Lee-Davis, 5:30pm
Boys: Colonial Heights vs. Lee-Davis, 7pm

Championship (Friday December 30):

Girls Consolation Game, 2:30pm
Boys Consolation Game, 4pm
Girls Championship Game, 5:30pm
Boys Championship Game, 7pm


Beach Ball Girls Classic (Myrtle Beach, SC):

#1 Monacan 77, Prairie View 28 (Saturday 12/17)

Hanover Girls Basketball plays in Surf and Slam in San Diego, California December 26-31. The Hawks open play on December 27th at 12pm ET against Ballard HS from Washington State.

L.C. Bird Boys Basketball will face Bethel on Friday, December 30th at 7pm at the Hampton Coliseum.

Henrico Girls Basketball plays in the Boo Williams/Ronald Curry Christmas Classic for three games beginning December 28th through December 30th.

Mills Godwin Boys Basketball plays in the Glory Days Grill Tournament of Champions December 26-28 at Lake Braddock High School in Burke, facing Osbourn in the first round on Monday, December 26th at 2:15pm.

Mills Godwin Girls Basketball plays in a Holiday Classic at Oakton High School in Vienna with the following schedule:
December 27th: vs. Patriot, 5:45pm
December 28th: vs. Stafford, 12:30pm
December 29th: vs. Yorktown, 2:15pm

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