Wednesday, December 28, 2016

WEDNESDAY: Twitter Coverage of Holiday Hoops!

Tournaments galore today from Henrico and Clover Hill to Benedictine, Petersburg and Douglas Freeman, plus more area teams playing out of town. We'll have updates across our Twitter network today.

Our network, you ask?

@hanoversports follows all Hanover County schools and Randolph-Macon College
@henricosports follows all nine Henrico County schools
@cfieldsports follows all ten Chesterfield County schools and Virginia State
@TheRVASportsNet follows schools in Richmond, the Tri-Cities and surrounding counties, plus VCU, Richmond, Virginia Union, other college and pro sports, AND we frequently retweet our hyper-local feeds to keep you updated on those schools.

Only follow what you want! No need to weed through scores you don't care about. Hyper-local coverage is an exclusive on Twitter to The RVA Sports Network!

Be sure to keep up with all of today's action as well on "Holiday Tournament Central", only from The RVA Sports Network, by....


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