Friday, May 26, 2017

TRACK: Region Tournament Contingency Plans For Weather

The following is a release from the Virginia High School League (VHSL) on schedule change possibilities for Region Track and Field Championships for this weekend.


1A/2A, 3A/4A, and 5A/6A State Track Meet Weather Plan

In preparation for next week’s state track meets, the VHSL staff has prepared contingency plans in the event of bad weather. League staff’s utmost priority will be the safety of all involved in the competition. VHSL staff is committed to running a full-meet schedule but have made plans to deal with any weather delays and/or suspension of meet schedules.

Currently, the state meet is a two-day scheduled event. In case of inclement weather on Friday, meet staff will make every effort, within reason, to complete events as scheduled. If weather prevents all events from being completed, meet staff will make completion of the 4 x 800 event a priority. Assuming the 4 x 800 is completed, a modified second day schedule will be provided to coaches. If no events are completed on Friday, a one-day meet schedule for Saturday will be provided to coaches.

Weather permitting we are committed to finishing the meet on Saturday.  If we are unable to compete on SaturdayVHSL staff feels that completing the meet on Sunday will minimize loss of instructional time for students, minimize travel, and expenses for competing schools.  All schools are asked to obtain written approval for Sunday participation and email the written approval letter to Executive Director Billy Haun or VHSL Assistant Director for Compliance Tom Dolan.

Should you have questions, please contact Chris Robinson ( in the League office.

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