Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Honors: Class 6 All-State Boys Volleyball Team Announced

Congratulations to the following student-athletes for being named to the 2017 Virginia High School League (VHSL) Class 6 All-State Boys Volleyball team. Local honorees are in bold.


Scotty Carter, Cox
Tony Harris, Oscar Smith
Blake Jenkins, Cosby
James Morton, Cosby
Brett Wildman, Cox
Roth Colvin, Grassfield
Devin Flaherty, Cox
Adair Moore, James River
Conner Westerfield, Thomas Dale (Libero)


Brian Baum, James River
Justin Costello, Ocean Lakes
Tyler Liebig, Grassfield
Ethan Speicher, Cosby
Derek Evans, Landstown
Will Kemenhour, Thomas Dale
Declan Mulvihill, Cosby
Ethan Piner, Thomas Dale
Matt Luksik, Ocean Lakes

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