Monday, December 4, 2017

New Top 10 Boys, Girls Basketball Polls.....

Our second set of Top 10 Basketball Polls reveal little change after a full week of regular season play.


1) Trinity Episcopal (was #1)
2) Varina (was #2)
3) John Marshall (was #3)
4) Hopewell (was #4)
5) L.C. Bird (was #5)
6) George Wythe (was #6)
7) Highland Springs (was #7)
8) Collegiate (was #8)
9) Millwood (was #10)
10) Henrico (new)

Dropping Out: Hermitage (was #10)


1) Monacan (was #1)
2) Cosby (was #2)
3) Highland Springs (was #3)
4) L.C. Bird (was #4)
5) Trinity Episcopal (was #5)
6) Hopewell (was #6)
7) St. Catherine's (was #7)
8) Varina (was #9)
9) Mills Godwin (new)
10) James River (was #8)

Dropping Out: Hanover (was #10)

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