Monday, December 30, 2019

New Top 10 Boys, Girls High School Basketball Polls

The holidays are wrapping up, and it's a quiet week on the schedule. The fallout from holiday tournaments creates a few changes in our latest polls. The next seven weeks will be exciting, and will contain a lot of twists and turns.


1) Highland Springs (was #1)
2) Monacan (was #2)
3) James River (was #3)
4) Trinity Episcopal (was #4)
5) Matoaca (was #5)
6) Cosby (was #6)
7) Hanover (was #7)
8) L.C. Bird (was #8)
9) Atlee (returns)
10) Thomas Dale (new)

Dropping Out: Patrick Henry (was #9), Saint Gertrude (was #10)


1) John Marshall (was #1)
2) Steward (was #2)
3) Trinity Episcopal (was #3)
4) Henrico (was #7)
5) Hermitage (NEW)
6) Huguenot (was #5)
7) Monacan (was #6)
8) Life Christian (was #8)
9) Hopewell (was #4)
10) L.C. Bird (was #10)

Dropping Out: Varina (was #9)

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