Thursday, August 4, 2022

VHSL: Alignment Committee Proposed Classification/Region Changes: 2023--2027

Every four years, the Virginia High School League conducts a review of their member schools' positioning in both their six state classifications, and the twenty-four regions they host, four within each of the six classes.

Changes are based on each school's student enrollment. Figures used are from March 31, 2022. The largest schools in the Commonwealth are in Class 6, followed by Class 5, and so forth.

Each classification has 53 schools split into four regions, except for Class 1, which has 52. The League takes geography into consideration as much as possible.

As for upcoming possible changes, the headlines are:

--Deep Run, Highland Springs, Meadowbrook and Glen Allen each would move up from Class 5 to Class 6, joining Cosby, Manchester and Thomas Dale in Class 6, Region A. Glen Allen is the 53rd most populated school, just two students ahead of Potomac, who would stay in Class 5.

--James River would move down from Class 6 to Class 5 for the first time since the Great Reclassification of 2013. Joining the Rapids as new members of Class 5, Region C would be Louisa County, moving up from Class 4, and the new Mecklenburg High School, which consolidates the former Bluestone and Park View-South Hill high schools.

--Class 4, Region B keeps all seventeen current members and adds a school, Caroline, which was originally in this region, but the Cavaliers appealed to move down to Class 3, which was approved by the League. A region bloated at 21 members, cut down to 17 for the past two years, could move back up to 18.

--Thomas Jefferson moves up from Class 2 to Class 3, assigned in the proposal to Class 3, Region B, which includes Goochland and Armstrong.

--Grafton and Heritage (Newport News) move down to Class 3 from Class 4 into Class 3, Region A, while Phoebus goes the other way, up to 4. Region 3A includes Petersburg, Colonial Heights, Hopewell and New Kent.

--Maggie Walker Governor's School moves down from Class 3 to Class 2 in Region A, joining King William and Amelia among others, and, essentially, replace Thomas Jefferson.

CLICK HERE to go to, click on the "Alignment" folder, then click on "2023-24 to 2026-27".


August 8: Deadline for schools to appeal their placement
August 9: Appeals posted online
August 15: Deadline for opposition to appeals to be filed
August 16: Opposition to Appeals posted online
August 23: Alignment Committee meets to rule on appeals
September 21: Executive Committee scheduled to rule on Alignment Committee's final recommendations

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