Monday, October 16, 2023

THE 2023 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SCHEDULE (Updated 10/23/2023)....


Petersburg at Colonial Heights, 7pm
Clover Hill at Powhatan, 7pm
Nottoway at Prince Edward, 7pm


Hanover at Douglas Freeman, 7pm
Mechanicsville at Atlee, 7pm
Mills Godwin at Deep Run, 7pm
Patrick Henry at Henrico, 7pm
Glen Allen at J.R. Tucker, 7pm
Midlothian at Huguenot, 7pm
Cosby at L.C. Bird, 7pm
Richmond School For The Arts at Manchester, 7pm
Monacan at James River, 7pm
Hopewell at Thomas Dale, NOW 6pm
Dinwiddie at Meadowbrook, 7pm
Matoaca at Prince George, 7pm
Armstrong vs. Thomas Jefferson, 7pm, Hovey Field, Virginia Union University
St. Michael the Archangel at Benedictine, 4pm
Collegiate at Norfolk Academy, 6:30pm
Goochland at Fluvanna, 7pm
King William at West Point, 7pm
Courtland at Caroline, 7pm
Albemarle at Louisa, 7:30pm
Smithfield at New Kent, 7pm
Central-Lunenburg at Amelia, 7pm
Buckingham at Cumberland, 7pm
Eastern View at Chancellor, 7pm
Spotsylvania at King George, 7pm
Northumberland at Colonial Beach, 7pm
Essex at Lancaster, 7pm
Rappahannock at Westmoreland, 7pm
Mathews at Charles City, 7pm
Middlesex at King & Queen Central, 7pm
Sussex Central at Brunswick, 7pm
Greensville at Franklin, 7pm
Blacksburg at PH-Roanoke, 7pm
Franklin County at William Fleming, 7pm
First Colonial at Landstown, 7pm
Grassfield at Western Branch, 7pm
Oscar Smith at Hickory, 7pm


Varina at Highland Springs, 1pm
Booker T. Washington at John Marshall, 1pm
Woodberry Forest at Trinity Episcopal, 2pm


Armstrong at Manassas Park, 6pm


Armstrong at Mechanicsville, 7pm
King William at King & Queen Central, 7pm
Green Run at Landstown, 7pm


Trinity Episcopal vs. Benedictine, 7pm, Huguenot High School
Glen Allen at Mills Godwin, 7pm
Hermitage at J.R. Tucker, 7pm
Highland Springs at Hanover, 7pm
Patrick Henry at Varina, 7pm
Atlee at Henrico, 7pm
L.C. Bird at Midlothian, 7pm
Manchester at Cosby, 7pm
Huguenot at Monacan, 7pm
James River at Clover Hill, 7pm
Richmond School For The Arts at Powhatan, 7pm
Prince George at Hopewell, 7pm
Thomas Jefferson at Colonial Heights, 7pm
Thomas Dale at Petersburg, 7pm
Dinwiddie at Matoaca, 7pm
John Marshall at Riverheads, 7pm
Caroline at James Monroe, 7pm, Maury Stadium, Fredericksburg
Louisa at Goochland, 7pm
New Kent at Bruton, 7pm
Amelia at Buckingham, 7pm
Prince Edward at Cumberland, 7pm
Randolph-Henry at Nottoway, 7pm
King George at Chancellor, 7pm
Eastern View at Courtland, 7pm
Culpeper County at Spotsylvania, 7pm
Colonial Beach at Lancaster, 7pm
Westmoreland at Essex, 7pm
Mathews at Middlesex, 7pm
Rappahannock at Northumberland, 7pm
West Point at Charles City, 7pm
Southampton at Franklin, 7pm
Sussex Central at Surry, 7pm
Brunswick at Greensville, 7pm
Western Albemarle at Albemarle, 7pm
PH-Roanoke at Hidden Valley, 7pm
Lord Botetourt at Franklin County, 7pm
William Fleming at Staunton River, 7pm
Green Run at Landstown, 7pm
Indian River at Grassfield, 7pm
Western Branch at Oscar Smith, 7pm


St. Christopher's at Collegiate, 1pm

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