Wednesday, December 29, 2021

UPDATE (December 29)

Greetings everyone!

Test results are in, and, unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19. 

I am glad to report my symptoms are already subsiding and I'm feeling better than I did over the weekend. I do believe that, in part, is the byproduct of having been vaccinated, and then boosted. I received my booster shot two and a half weeks ago.

Therefore, we will be on hiatus until our quarantine period has concluded. But that doesn't mean we can't tweet from home! 

If you are at games, feel free to tweet us scores and photos, which we will retweet gladly. We'll keep you posted as to when we can return to live coverage, both on Twitter and with live basketball broadcasts.

Please, please get the vaccine, get boosted if eligible, and stay safe. I wish you all a very Happy 2022!

Rob Witham  :) 

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