Monday, December 27, 2021

UPDATE FROM ROB: December 27, 2021 (UPDATED)

Greetings everyone! I hope you all have had a very Merry Christmas weekend.

We were hoping that this situation could be avoided, and it still might be. However.....

I have gone into self-isolation as of Sunday afternoon due to symptoms which are consistent with COVID-19. After valiantly trying to find a way to get a test today, which I could not, I will be looking for one the very first thing Monday morning.

(UPDATE: I was tested late Monday morning and we await the results!)

I have been dealing with a sinus infection since Thanksgiving, and, at a double root canal last Monday, the dentist discovered some infection in a tooth, so I've been on antibiotics since Tuesday. However, Christmas afternoon, a nagging cough began which progressively got worse, and, coupled with aches, especially in the chest, and continued sinus issues, I made the call early this morning to hunker down.

This means, unfortunately, in an effort to do our part in this pandemic, I will not be attending basketball games until we have a verdict, and, if the test is positive, then we'll be out of live action for awhile.

This is where YOU come in. Keep following "Holiday Tournament Central" here at our website for schedule updates, scores, brackets and more from several big tournaments this week, and, if you are in attendance, be sure to tweet us score updates and pictures. We'll be happy to retweet to our little slice of the Twitter-verse.  :)

I wish you all the best as we wrap up 2021, that 2022 will be a better year for everyone, and I will see you live as soon as it's safe.  :)

Your support of the RVA Sports Network is overwhelming, and I cannot thank you enough for it.

See you soon!!

Rob Witham

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